What we think is true is what we think is real.
Our sense of what’s up is arrived at by personal experiences, also automatically absorbed by breathing in the various levels of the group-think we are surrounded by, then accepted, taken as fact, without being tested out.
They’re constantly being gathered, added, refined, discarded, built upon, adjusted for our expanding waistline, ignored, revised, added onto, bought into, suspended until further notice, discovered, grabbed by mistake, caught by mere exposure to- but we rarely really question their validity.
We each wear a constantly-shifting weight belt of semi-believable situations that we use up our air dealing with, so we can stay where we think we’re supposed to be at. We’re solid with our snap assessments for dealing with what we think is happening around us. We wish everyone was at our level.
‘What those people think is trash, but our take is golden.’ -We love to judge the mirage.
This is the typical mental lock-down that keeps us stuck in the psycho-dramatics of the globe. ‘All these dissertations of possible scenarios I’ve dreamed up to cover every possible glitch- I’m so dizzy.’ We always know the ‘facts’, because our on-board system-ware always see things through our filter of belief, and we make our own homemade ‘facts’.
But the real fact is, that we’ve squeezed ourselves into a lot of quickie beliefs and knee-jerk habits, must-haves, deafening distractions, that hamper us from hearing the alarm, and the inner call.
‘!, we can work it out, we think, by just buying the latest revised version of insane online, and keep it going.’ We’re sure that it’s got the missing ingredient that will help us stop looking over our shoulder in fear and that will give us the air we know we need.
What’s driving these hoax needs, is that there is something missing, which we so rightly want, yet can’t tell where to go to find it. If you know how to look, it’s right there,in each of these, and in all belief-ideas; there is something hidden that is beautiful, something good, that can be discovered. Tip: Make sure you want to sense the good in each old idea. It takes looking inwardly to see it, since it’s not apparent at your crisis level.
What is good to know, is that we can actually let go of these heavy takes on things and we’ll rise and be light, and we won’t lose anything important. This decisive self-devaluation of our counterfeit currency clears our head and now we can deal in the gold of a different level of facts.
Since there are better facts to accept, and this is also is a usable fact, let’s remember that our own,newly-noticed facts will work a lot better since they line up with those of the loving universe.
When you do sense the underlying hope in someone’s words, the desire for good in someone’s deeds, the love, then seeing the underlying love-desire for good for them is seen by you to be that which is everyone’s underlying motivation, and it’s actually beautiful, and feels it.
We can begin to understand people and this makes us a visionary in the true sense.
It is that we all just want to be loved.. To somehow really know this in ‘real’ time. To experience it.To be in it. With all who will agree to be with us in our quest to be a part of it somehow. In spite of our mistakes. Even after we did what we did. Beyond how we appear and stumble. Anytime. At all times. Is love out there? We sure hope so, for some beautiful reason.
We need it just like water to drink. Everyone. So get this and translate what you see into this framework, and you’ll begin to know how to do things effectively, lovingly. Your actions and what you teach now have love-power.
‘Are you sure this will work? Is there better air up where the light seems to be?’
‘I’m so used to this oppressive sticky, prickly heat that I don’t know if I want to risk getting a cold from your proposed, cool, refreshing, invigorating breeze. But tell me more.’
It’s an effort, but all you have to do is let go and hang loose and instead of grabbing the first anchor you see, resist the urge to grasp, just stay put and still and open and don’t lock on, for as long as you possibly can, even for a whole minute, and you’ll feel something open.
Then the good part starts and your on board navigation senses something, something, new and different.
It’s like a space opens and new awareness pops, but you can tell it supposed to be there and it’s always been a part of you.
And look at all the people who just showed up on my screen!
This new pop, just from letting go for a minute.
Stay open as often as you remember you can.
And many things, beautiful, come into view.
And you’ll know what to do.