We Have Everything in Common

The universe is pretty big, wouldn’t we all agree?

I’m sure we would. 

The universe encompasses everything that is real, including us.

 It’s reality, and we’re a big part of it. 

See, the universe is not some collection of shining, whirling balls in space.

No, it’s way better. 

It’s perfect.

 It’s love. 

It made everything that’s real.

 It made itself- and you’re it. Too. 

“Wow!”, we might wonder, “How can perfection, love, our divine identity be true?”

What a great question!

The universe has your love-question’s answer, just for you, now, and for anyone who seeks to understand it.

Yes, we can each begin to understand, by just wanting to ask the reality about itself.

And because it wants you to know truth and beauty, it will certainly give you the answers about its very self, when you ask it about it.

Asking love, about what love is about, is a prayer.

Your love-prayers are answered.