We think that we really gotta make the most of it before we croak.
But do we really have to?
Can we really?
Are we really just croakers hoping not to?
Fortunately, that’s really debatable.
We play around a lot thinking the game-so-real, that we’re here to be really busy, and here to play-so-real pick up sticks, over and over, and oh-so-real Monopoly, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, more and more, keeping our eye only on the ball, and the score, don’t miss out, stay focused, never let up.
We just really gotta keep spinning all of those plates.
The actual fun starts though, when we realize that there’s a different plate actually really spinning each of us that is real, never stops, and never needs anything, but can just be appreciated.
It’s the same plate that spins as the galaxy and its every atom..
And that, that spins that real plate, made the plates, all real, and makes us real, made without a hitch.
Everything made together. To fit. As everything, as one thing.
Made out of the very same thing as everything.
Maybe looking different, yet actually being all the same, with the same originally-designed function: to be glorious!
Same function as you have, and me.
Not to function in stress and separateness, but in confidence, peace, harmony.
Confidence is faith. Faith in what?
What if that that spins Saturn and a beetle, and everything huge and tiny, is that that spins you? And me. It has to be just that way. For real.
We need not feel alone, but together with each other, part of the ultimate spin-a-rama.
The spinner that spins you says “Enjoy!”
So do that. Together.
The spinner never said anything to anyone but, “Enjoy.”
So be in joy.
Don’t ask me, but instead ask the spinner that spins you, since he-she-it would not ever leave you not knowing how to be spinning in the spinningest way.
The spinner wants you to spin and wants you to know spinning.
So just wonder about it all, and notice all the spinning all around you, and bless it often for its awesome spinning grandeur, and help your people keep their spin in a humble, happy way..
And you’ll spin in the way you’re meant to.
In joy.