
About Nordric Hofpauer

I’m Nordric Hofpauer. I am dedicated to bringing love to life. Toward this purpose, I present simple and profound ideas that each describe an aspect of love’s reality and availability and our place as beings within love’s operation. Since love is the driver of the universe, for a person to gain understanding of their relationship with love is most important.  Here, love is presented as short thoughts to open to, to let in, and think about, to consider as likely true. And from this opening to, to experience love as reality, which these ideas are a reflection of.
Typically, a thought comes into our mind, and we judge its validity by comparing it to our existing perceptions. Our perceptions are generally made up by us through accepting and discarding ideas as they we become aware of them.

There is a realm that we often miss, and often discard. This is the realm of reality, God. This work requests that we consider and allow more and more ideas that are true about God(Love) into our accepted ideas of reality. One way we can do this is to simply slow down and think about God(Love). Love(God) will begin to reflect back to you as a result, giving you its own love of you, in thoughts, impressions, experiences. Do this thinking about God. True ideas will automatically generate within you. You’ll know by their feel. You’ll begin to understand the present reality of love.

The thoughts presented here as precisely for helping each of us in our ongoing choosing to believe in the reality of God as love. Think about one of these thoughts. And just let the thought expand..

The work is in staying open and expectant, and yet being receptive without defining what we expect. Allow that these thoughts are a reflection of what’s real. By your willingness to accept it and have something within the idea be true for you, your gateway of mental processing that thought for belief in it is opened, and that thought will probably be accepted or rejected according to how it fits your existing set of beliefs. Stay open, gently override your ordinary rejection of something unfamiliar. Allow its innate truth and power to live, simply by being open to the idea, that it is possibly, even likely true. This thought process is normal for all and is the way we form our perceptions. We can each do this. in fact, many more ideas like these can come into your own awareness and begin to be seen true . Save these thoughts to enjoy.

So we are choosing to be more real, simply by regularly digesting thoughts that are more real, and have this growing experience of love, light in us.

What’s important to all of us is the understanding we have about God.

For our purpose here, let’s accept the premise that God is love. This is the foundational premise of all of the ideas promoted on this site:  God is love. Everything else is an expansion of this.

Many of these love ideas are presented as titles of blog posts here. The posts instruct and expand on the thought a little. The main ideas are really made for each of us to just allow in and consider, and note how nicely we experience them as we  simply accept them as valid, possibly true. See what happens, and you be the judge.

The thought considered will impart its validity to each of us in ways perfectly matched up to our desire that the thought be true. The benefit of the thought to each is in the sublime realization experience that the trueness of the thought produces.

The practice of considering true thoughts such as these expands your psyche and will produce a continually evolving, expansive joyous experience for the person who thinks of love as reality.

Love’s ideas are all that is necessary for you to hold in mind if you are open to being the person of love that the universe designed you to be. Love will do the rest, by giving you guidance, revealing perfect situations to expand into. Love will create within you, through you, and  you only need think love through you, notice and allow the new to come forth.

This is my part in creation, to give you something real to consider. And you and love will do the rest.