Try Not Knowing For a Change


When we’re doing and reviewing events anywhere in the solar system, we go on auto-mode and go full chef, translator, jury and judge.

This is what we do.

We hear the testimony; we were there too. We have our feeds set up. We are wired and strung to have our monitoring system deliver everything important to our inbox.

And this just in, again, to make sure we swallow it for the hundredth time:

This means that, he’s this, they’re that and you’re this and this is there and we’re never gonna get that because this.

We’ve got good seats. Most of us do. We got it. In fact we’re full of it. And we know what happened.

Case closed, but it never opened.

What if you want to re-open a planet and have it be the glorious, fulfilling, self-sustaining juggernaut ball it is capable of?

Don’t think it’s that kind of ball?

It is. Get that. Gonna take some work. Offline. Once we unplug from the mess-net, the ball just opens and we can hear the codes.

Scarred up and dented, it still rolls though. Let’s do a new network that has all our codes playing and hook it up.

Everybody back on the ball and eat and help each other play. Let’s roll on.