Love’s In Your Mirror

We’re pretty smart. And pretty agile. And pretty ready.

We can write music that lasts centuries. And create so many amazing things and we have.

What a great being we are! Something in us used to be tadpoles and now that something built us into wonderful Woman, Superman. Kudos to that something!

We can even review our greatest hits and add more hits and dream of future hits-to-be. Our equipment is really stellar.

As accomplished, as brilliant, as creative as we definitely are, our crowning feature is our ability to detect a purpose behind what we see around us everywhere .

Even if we can speed-read or broad-jump, the real action we can bring to life is to synch our thinking with the universe’s ‘excelsior mindset’ , ever higher good.

Yes, we can also see ourselves this way, as part of  ever-higher-love.

What does this mean? It means that there is a detectable trend toward perfection, healing, improvement, adaptation, co-operation, communication, sustenance, creativity, nurturing, reasoning, stability, etc.

Detect it.

The evidence is all there if we look, which is our talent: to look.

Yes we humans have this extra gift: we can see ourselves related to other selves.

So thankfully, using this amazing attribute, we can relate this to that and us to them and me to you, etc.

This gift in us enables to extend ourselves toward things.

When used in accord with our integrated feedback loop, our gifted extra dimension is what has allowed us so many rich experiences, personally, collectively.

But this gift of ours has to be understood and used within a real context. Otherwise the results are clunky, catastrophic, not sustainable for all. Hint: real includes all and real is good.

Our talent also includes our onboard BS detector, and we must program to beep according to its original settings.


Develop our listening toward our feeling sense, and keep requesting options to come to us that we can listen toward and get a sense of how it feels. We are able to sense good in contrast to bad and choose accordingly.

Pretty soon we get the new, interesting, create-good, original hang of things.

Keep on listening to your feelings, and ask for everything to be delivered to your inner ear for consideration.

And you’ll know what to do.