We thought we had us all together and sorted into the perfect lock, stock and barrel.
Locks are the not-so-new norm. Gatekeepers are us.
Each of us maintains our contact list and its levels of introductory, regular, and premium and super-premium access.
The unfamiliar, the unsigned-up, the problematic-category-dwellers, and various others, we connect with not so much. We hope the fun will start soon.
And yet, there is a way of admitting everyone into our mind that opens new visions of ourselves, each related to each other in profound and magic ways.
Pair this with our present hyper-connective potential and wow…
Is it worth seeing? Is there a way of being related to each other that is attracting, true, permanent, natural, perfect and original to what we are?
What are these ways? Hard to get what you’re getting at…
Why do I need to trash my carefully-crafted invitation-only list of buds, never-buds, sort-of-buds, and waanabe-buds, and maybe-buds, etc?
That which makes this proposed, radical relation-criteria-revamp worthwhile is its ability to open each of us to the new, the growing sense of connection with vastly more of our awesome population than before.
What if we could see ourselves, others as more than our old roles and positions? What if there is an innate beauty seeable to each of us that is irrefutable, and intrinsic to us?
In what way does it matter that we revise our versions of ourselves as related to ourselves?
There are ways that we can increase our connection with people. It is by wanting to see them and ourselves as love-incarnate-beings.
Imagine no fear, no separation. Imagine just straight-up relating and smiling and talking and learning, and interactingand doing-with, without any reason not to. The ice starts to melt. Huge motion of the love-universe coming back online.
I want to meet that family I never met right over there.
Why? Because it’s what’s really up for us to be- connected. It’s why we have words and faces. To connect and grow together. I ignored that so often.
So what’s good to get is that we are supposed to get each other as part of each other and get that this is good.
Let’s start getting each other in a whole deeper way, the way the plan was made to laugh and love and be and do it on a huge scale..