Look at that, an apparently inanimate object, just sitting there right in your way. Something or someone or other made that and however it got real, it is. We’re surrounded.
Even a rock rocks, right? It’s covered with germs jockeying and is chock-full of atoms bumping around into others, humming away and we can see it that way. How interesting- is there some sort of battery that keeps a rock hoppin? You could say that. And when you see it, it hops even more. Wild.
You’ve heard that talking to plants makes them happier. And there’s no language barrier. And some of these little green transformers you see will even mostly let you eat them and transform into part of you if you eat them right. Pretty obliging, so thank it, say grace.
We can also see the dog and bug, and while they may not fully get how they got it, they are doing what they can with it, so pet them in your thoughts or in person just because they’ve got it and it helps them hop too.
And now the little baby with little eyes like yours, ready to see all the animation all around, and to begin to figure out what they may be seeing- and we grow the closer we look. And soon we can see that even everything is animated and grows and we give our ayes to it.
See here we are. We get it, life all around. And now for the bling…
This animated everything-ness we see, is real and good and in all the spaces too. It is perfect and right here and on its way here too, all the time, more and more for all to see, coming at you, which is perfect too.
That face you are seeing- it’s your interface with me and you and that makes it perfect too. And beautiful. And the animator gave faces ways to walk-talk, to help and be helped by you, face-to-face, times thousands, now billions.
There is something beautiful to behold about this too. And we are meant to see it this way since it’s real this way, and there are confirmed sightings of beautiful ones facing us, all around us, to be with in just this way.
There is forever a clear viewpoint in which everything can come into focus and show us the beauty of ourselves, if we just drop what we’re doing and face it and see each other with nothing between. We see our own beauty if we look. It’s meant to be seen.