Think Love An Hour

Time flies and we fly ours all the time.

We all have it, more or less and it’s up to me to choose how it goes.

I‘ve lost time by monitoring useless dramas all over the place. But moving forward, I can be putting my time in differently and spend it on valuable things.

Vision is up to us, so we can spend less time seeing the world ‘as it is’, and more time seeing the world from a beautiful and unlimited view, because it actually is that.  We could do that. We become valuable doing it. How we see a situation is major. We can want to see from anew. Now we’re on the playing field and making room for the real game. See how big it is.

Gratitude pulls the  good of the universe into us, quickly, directly, abundantly. Use gratitude as a filter, and overlay your thinking onto it. How? Just by being grateful in your mind for every, every thing, not just for something specific, but for all somethings, all lumped together and regardless. We can be grateful for each other, and grateful for being children of the most-high-love-universe, and grateful for our intrinsic ability to be a thought-source of love. Believe. Notice how your resulting thoughts change their texture after that. You’ll feel something open in your upper chest. You’ll even remember to call someone. Do the gratitude, since it’s worth your time and reconnects all to all.

Forgiveness is a huge space we can step into too. Bring someone to mind. And him too. And them too. And you too. Do this: Just want to see them in a different light somehow. They can arrive to you in this different light. Soon, beauty-beings surround you more and more as you welcome them in a new way,  freed from a limited identity that serves no one. Your forgive-self becomes a growing love-state, and becomes an eraser of separateness, an attraction to all, for the sake of all, and somehow felt by all. This is the water we all have been thirsty for. And so thank you!  Just know this is what it’s time to be, and worth our time, and cleans up our mental environment just in time to live together forever.

Being with each other and ourselves as unlimited, gut-busting love is what time is really for. Fun times can be in store at all times.

Reality is to be restored to us by us, by choice, and our actions will match up. Then what we see and hear from each other will be amazing.