Give The Universe An Ear

Because of what we are, we can really have it going on.

We are the product of a super-creative-oneness, love-network that that made us to be it. And we are the creation-joy-input of it, for our conscious happy-aliveness . For free, for always, for a beautiful reason.

Want to join it? You’re in, start your download.

Want to re-join it? Just refresh it. Want to expand it? Ask it, and it will tell you how, in the perfect format for you.

We’re riding an animated whirl-swirl, within one standard galaxy molecule, in a size XXXL big-bang-space-bloom, so to speak.

We can see ourselves here if we look, and this is where we get to be ourselves too, right now.

This seeing and being tandem combo-action, is what we can do, over and over. What we can see is what we get and get to be.

See it good. And it will be that.

So we can see that seeing and being are related. We can relate what we see and be, to everything. So everything is related, and relatable. We’re related to each other and to all. Relate to that and relate to that for good. Since all is related, we can all relate. That’s the more complete picture. Relationships with everything all over the beautiful place.

Being includes our being plugged in. The current is flowing, and through us, and increases and spikes the beauty-current by our understanding it’s available and on. Our receptivity to our source current is the highest technology we  have.

We have onboard high-tech equipment to  be receivers.  Yep, cosmic ears we are.  The universe is constantly coming our way, to be processed by us and become part of us, perfectly. Everything is for us. With instructions . And this is what you and I are for, to give-receive-give.

Yet it’s so perfectly setup and smooth, that we get distracted, we take it for granted and we forget to remember it’s how we feed and are fed.We instruct each other in beautiful ways when we’re turned on to it. Stay turned on just by remembering it’s on and you’re on.

I need your take. And we have one for each other.  Conversation is how we grow and keep our wings.

Listening turns your time with someone into a creative event. Creation happens in listening, speaking. It’s valuable and we always pay attention to what we value. As we grow in understanding of what we are and how, we do value each other, and pay attention to what we are doing and saying.

From this, we now want to listen to all, to each, because we know what is coming at us: the glorious piped-in data of the boom-bloom. But we stop-up the galaxy we can have, just because we are not listening. We slow down our connectivity because we are not really listening . We don’t even realize it. We don’t get how we are to get each other, so we walk right by, instead of drinking from the fountain of each other. So we get high-speed isolation and pretense instead. How many times have we caught ourselves not listening, but instead just being in our head? So many times. That chance was wasted. Ignore the non-stop-judgement-black-hole and turn down the noise in your brain, and let the chance create. You’ll hear something amazing when you listen for it.

Love is speaking to you, both from within and without. The speaking by others is for you, and meant to be captured by you and valued and the used as nourishment.

Listen heartily, and speak that way too.

It’s how we feed each other, and it’s the way it’s planned.