Look at that picture with all those people in it!
So many people there! Little cutesters, big, and old and new.
The caption says that each one shown was designed to be outfitted to be some version of a Matisse, Aretha, Bach, Michaelangelo, Steve Jobs, etc, etc.
You, too and me, it says.
But that guy I’m seeing there? Seriously? It seems like it would take that guy a hundred years to go full-Einstein!
And we would be right, if that’s the way we’re seeing the pictures, without the explanation.
Is that picture showing a mob of slobs, or is it a huge group of Emily Dickinsons, Abe Lincolns, and Confuciouses, and Ciscos and Panchos, and Forrest Gumps? But they almost are slob-like in appearance- tricky photo.
A helpful analogy is that, in many ways, when we’re out and about, we are all at a daily community Halloween festival with everyone walking around in a favored costume, maybe part of a large cast, acting for some reason. It looks like that kind of.
When you notice that, it’s pretty impressive.
What a production! Virtuoso performances all.
And we always act in a way that we believe is helpful.
Look at the huge picture again; see, you’re there too. And me. And we. Each an amazing character actor, performer, capable of any role. Each always looking to be good in their movie.
I have a tendency to think I know it all, and I think you just don’t fit the part.
But interestingly, because I caused a train wreck on the set and have been laid up in traction with nothing to do but think, I was reading over the fine print and it states that all roles are available and to all.
And the brochure states that the way it works is for me to help announce this casting call and that it’s really huge and we all will get a part and that it pays well, and that Superman and Wonder Woman are still open for any-and-everybody who wants and that they can create their own scenes that follow the script and story line, and that they can keep creating a bigger role right during every evening’s performance.
And the better they are, the better it allows the rest of the cast to be.
Wow, what a huge set! A cast of billions! Could be fun.