Device-wise, we’re so interconnected.
Ain’t it great? It is. So much we can do and do.
And in the realm of creation, our connectivity is pre-paid and when we’re connected to our connectivity, this is how creation happens-phenomenal!
And just by adding appreciation service to our system, we get more minutes! Okay!
Every spec of glitter in this big, beautiful lava-lamp-universe of ours is floating, is flowing and floating, and bumping and clumping and there you are- hi! Good to see you-see ya. And you, hi!
Keep on floating! What’s helpful is to keep in circulation. Yes, beautiful what it does.
At some point, we were told that we should elbow our fellow glitters and race to the top and build a cardboard raft and this is less crowded and we should get the elbowed ones to row us around.
We get so busy obtaining scraps of pasteboard and adding more chain to our rowing crews that we collapse from thirst. Gag- We finally notice how dry it is up here and we’re starting to burn and look like chips. Hey, this topside gig ain’t better at all! Help! S-O-S! I need something to hydrate me! Cut off all the chain?! No way! My oarspersons would mutiny.
Hey you, stop, don’t throw me overboard!… oh wow! This feels so good! My skin is healing already-thanks! This tastes great! Here, let me get the chain off of everyone and put it in the recycle dingy. So glad to be back in circulation with everyone. Calling all rafts! Abandon ship and let’s go swimming.