We live in a holographic jell-body that lets us play around with each other together here in the most amazing ways.
We can signal to each other, broadcast sounds, make sturdy sand castles to live together in, and even shift gears and go into talking to one another, trading thoughts and creating mind-beauty on our own, and sharing it too.
Back and forth, minds exchanging ideas, using ears, eyes, and vocal chords and hand signals, especially thoughts.
It’s just a fabulous setup.
We bump around in our bumper-car-human-bodies, and we seem to bump each other’s feelings too.
The scratch-and-dent effects that we accumulate on our Earth-trip show up outside, and inside us.
Having noted that our body-aspects have healing pre-loaded into them, we can assume that same tendency toward healing is pre-loaded into our mind aspects.
Therefore, we can assume auto-healing outwardly, and inwardly, is the original Plan!
We just made the leap of reading between the lines: As outward, so inward!
Seeing what’s in-between-the-lines is where the beauty of any story is located. Enjoy that space!
Let’s open our own books…
In our body, we might wipe out on a big wave, or we bump into a planet’s tree, or we shave too close, or we get drug under an elephant stampede, or any number of a fair multitude of experiences, and now we have a body-wound that starts to auto-heal.
We know just how to put on a band-aid of just the right kind, or we go to a body-healer of some kind, and we naturally remind ourselves, based on our experience, that cosmic healing help is automatically on the way; we trust that something in our system’s makeup will be working 24-7 to restore us and get us ready to get back on our various preferred surfboards.
We get this, and accept this two-step, very certain, body-bumper-car process of bumping up “against” something, and then letting the cosmos-love take over and auto-heal it. It’s great!
And so why wouldn’t this same process extend to our inner being just as nicely?! It does!
Because in accordance with the cosmic design of our model line, this sequence of wounded-to-healed is meant to be our default path, anywhere our path is going, or was going, or is gonna go.
This sequence also definitely applies to our own capability to heal our “inside”, our “mind-side”.
Read below! using eyes from your inside, and see how this example gets the cosmos going inside for ya:
Example (typical) story: Someone dear says a “hurtful” quip and we notice a wound, a hurt, “inside”.
So what’s the next step? Remember?! (Ans. >)Heal it.
It’s a tandem, linked, two-step procedure, that we can get the hang of. One-two, ahhh 🙂
Wound? Heal it! Wound? Heal it! Wound? Heal it! Etc., Etc.
How do we do that? How do we do that healing of that inner wound like that?
We don’t “do” it.
Just like we don’t heal a scratch, but the cosmos does. Ain’t it great! Actually, you belong to the cosmos and it is healing its baby! (you)
Same way on our inside battlefield!
We don’t have to heal the inside wound, with all its gnarly, entangled, weird drama- we can just remember that the cosmos wants it healed and therefore when we notice a hurt inside, we can request and expect inner healing as certain as the outer.
Wound? Heal it by knowing it will be.
This is a beautiful, effective way to partner with the cosmos in what it wants for you- – healing.
Partner with your cosmos to notice an inner hurt, request and expect inner healing. You’ll start getting it. You don’t have to sort it out, but you do have to expect healing of it to start arriving somehow. It only makes sense.
When it starts, you’ll recognize it!
Once we get that hang of it, we just keep going on our ways we go about our preferred ”business” on the planet.
We’ll probably get an “inner” ouch-eee zinger wound at some point, so let’s prepare for it.
What is the two-step process again? Wounded-to-healed. Wound? Heal it.
And the quick-helps for this type of inside injury are available for you now, to have in stock, ready for use inside too.
The wound dressing we apply to our inner scrapes is important for healing.
What we do is, we apply our understanding that the little or big inner wound is not meant to be there and that the cosmos will help heal it for sure.
Remember, our physical body has onboard healing juggernaut software working behind the scenes all the time. And so does our inner.
But our inner wounds can stay wounds if we don’t actually choose to heal. so just know your inner healing is meant to be, and then just ask for it. Up to you though.
It’s on us to run our own show; we sometimes don’t want healing, but prefer to keep a collection of wounds.
So inner healing would have to be chosen before your vast healing inner spaces can be accessed.
All you need do is choose healing, and put the hurting issue that’s up for healing in the Cosmic Healing Request Box, within you, and relax, knowing its healing is started and any necessary details will automatically be delivered to your inner in-box, for your use.
Try it out, and you’ll gain confidence in it, since you will soon feel healing begin.
Put any wound you still have in the Box, even the ones you don’t often remember are still there.
Even the tiniest inner scratch is a call for your understanding that it need not be left unhealed.
Just want your healing , baby, and love will do the rest, in auto-mode.