When we’re being our high-speed-auto-translator-cyborg-self, we just accept what our trip planner spits out even though it smells like those toxic markers and makes our head spin. We’re used to it, so it’s not that bad, but it is.
No, it’s just how things smell. Or is it?… Actually, no.
Due to what we are, we are each able to access the pervasive field energy of light, love, wisdom, encouragement, guidance, joy, feedback, growth, understanding, and more, that is what we are in.
And since we are in, let’s go all-in and get into it.
We matter because of our design: powerfully creative beings who are intended to reflect the overall mindset of the overall mind universe, love.
No, yes, no, yes, notice the campaign.
This system, ours, this native, organic, pre-installed operating platform is always at the ready and you’re using it now.
As its operator, we can create or mis-create anything we work on to a sufficient degree.
And the mis-create button is alive and all-too-well
And we see also that co-creation, co-operation, mental-mass-transit, is easily accomplished within this amazing creating matrix.
It’s also designed to be transparent, understandable in its original intent- what? Doesn’t look like it through all the smoke.
Yes, it becomes , plausible and then obvious to a student of the system that it is biased in favor of happiness, fulfillment, growing intelligence, aliveness, co-operation, creativity, love.
Cease firing for a minute and consider that from a certain angle, the perspective of love, that there actually is this pattern of the above that seems to make us pre-disposed to wanna live, wanna do well, wanna create, waana have peace, wanna make it, wanna be accepted, wanna grow, in happiness, and at times, even together. All the wannas are contained within the big wanna. Get that.
Looking at it, you are able to notice the beautiful pattern. Maybe barely seeable at first, but becoming plain as day as we start collecting the evidence.
Then why is everything so different to me? What is causing my unease, and fears?
My fears seem more real than this Kumbaya.
Tip; To lessen your angsts, ask, ‘Is love real?’… then do this:
Be open to accepting that it is real, that the above description describes you and what you’re in.
Just allow it to be possible, instead of reloading the missiles. Just really get that it just may be true and that the rocket-launcher-life is not it.
No need to figure anything else out. You’ll begin to get the stream of evidence, delivered wirelessly.
And you’re made to get on track and be the conductor and train future acrobats.