The road forked early on, and we took it.
Either fork would get us there. And now we are there as usual.
But when we look at the terrain all around, there’s something missing from what we thought it would be. We always want things to be better and it seems like they were before the fork.
We went there but we didn’t get there. Even when we got what we thought, it was better before. Maybe it’s back here we’re needing to be.
Here might be the perfect place. Are you here? What is actually here? You are, and everyone and everything, right now. You could say you were placed here in the middle of something, but that’s confusing since it may cause you to think there’s a place called here and you got placed there. Don’t go there. You are here. Me too. Let’s just be glad we’re here. And here’s the reason.
Because here’s where heaven is, right here. And it’s always here and was and will be.
It’d be weird if it wasn’t here, since there would be a lot of effort to get there, but there is no there. There’s only here. Plus, if it was here, it would be more convenient and sustainable,and much easier to maintain. It all got laid out here just for us to be here with it, since we are here, and can do something big with it.
A big part of our part in the big picture is to get what we’re here for. And what that is, is how we can be here in a big way.
Not to be bigger than, but to be like the big is: big. We really are that, and there is a way here to be our own big. The way is love, and all that love relates to. Love is the direction of the flow of traffic, forever. How that happened , I don’t know, but I’m glad. I’m sure you are too, once you think about it.
A further hint: Anything not big, ain’t actually here, so hug it til it gets back to where it belongs, here or there.
It’s worth checking out who, where, and what this love pattern is about, for yourself. What’s love like and how can I be like it might be a start. Everybody hears things a little differently, but their hearts hear all the same and together. What your heart is hearing is causing you to stop and look around and try to get your bearings and connect back with others again, like in your childhood a long while back.
Imagine what it would be like to minimize your fears and musts for a minute, and be open now and request a way forward very similar to what love would have you be, whatever it could be and however it could appear, and whenever it could. Tough for you to say what that would look like, but not tough to know what it would be like. You’re getting a glimpse now, and so save it.
When we save it and review it, we make it big. We can build on it without even knowing what to do other than to allow more of the same. Save that tiny one too. It’s automatic pretty soon, since you’ll like it, and you’ll know. This is the way we become, the way we get back, the way we stay in the direction, all that.
So be open to being big and making something out of it.
Remember that you can save something beautiful. It’s the system.