Your Questions Are The Answer

Looking out from our mind’s-eyes, we see plenty to do and react to.

We go into our habit mode of noticing the familiar, hoping for, but not allowing for the new,  and refreshing the pages that we want to keep important and up-to-date, so that our rigged predictions come true.

We are a great gardener in this way. It’s super-fortunate and important that we are so capable of seeing a scene, keeping the juicy parts, tending to our dramas, that they match up to our screenplay.

And I see that yours is different than mine.

Which brings up some beautiful questions: Feel free to take one. They’re very healthy, so enjoy.

What universe am I reading from?

What might I be-not-getting?

Am I doing this tour correctly?

Why is the joy-feel that blipped me for only a second so elusive?

I want more of those blips- is this okay?

Where am I really and what am I really and what is everything really?

What is this huge tilt-a-whirl planet’s bottom line?

Basic questions like these are actually able to create an open space in between our scenes that allows us to add something more to them. Now we’re talkin’! If you crack open a solid granite perception, rain then life can occur in the gap..

So start questioning, which creates gaps in your story to fill. But this time, be open to something new that could be added instead of more of the same as before. Lots of habitual thought-patterns to ignore, but it could be worth it.

What are your options? Here’s a good one: Since you’ve heard that the universe is made of love, one of your ingredients to choose from is probably love. Would you accept this as a likely option? What if love sent you a joy-blip just for trying it? It will.

And what if your question-spacing of the scenes and seeing a new part of love in there began to make the scenes beautiful with a feeling of indescribable aliveness? You’d be for it, right?

And what if there’s no downside to this ? What if everything you thought you understood as real, became actually  more real as your invitation to love becomes reality, which it can, with your agreeing to it? Would you be too disappointed?

There is a lifetime-of-love-guarantee that you already have as well, and you’ll experience it in the gap you made. And you can accept all or part of this question-answer process, as you want.

To get  the space for love started, start asking questions. Be fearless in your inquiries. The answers will be beautiful and will be in those spaces your questions made.

Make everything a question. And see what shows up.