Yes, the problems are massive. Look around. Really do that.
Take a thorough look. Then take a break from the shell game of blame for now.
What have we allowed to be okay? What have we each bought into? Where have we each settled back and lowered our standards in even little ways? Once we get our part, we can say no more and take action to restore the Heaven that we are to live together in. We get stuck on the idea that if we can just make it til we die, we’re good. Not good enough.
Of course we feel bad because this, that!
Let’s own that and feel how bad we feel. We try to coast on through- this is DWI.
If we actually check, we can see the swamp we’ve driven our bus into. Yes, admit it; we’re stuck and we allow our trusting passengers to fall overboard, and get run over and stranded. And all we want is to get a four-wheel drive upgrade so we can go further in.
It’s too deep but we wanna go anyway. Bless our hearts.. Alright get real. Let’s bring each other back. Backup til we’re on the shoulder. Look at that mess! We’re not going that way anymore.
Let’s figure out where we need to go since we forgot and got lost. Look here.Let’s go down this road:
Fact: We each own an awesome bus, full of family, friends.
Fact: Our part is to drive responsibly. No stealing belongings allowed. No unsafe speeds or turns. Allow everyone to open their window.
Fact: We are to design, build, maintain a superb highway that we can all roll on, with lots of travel info, letting each pick their destination.
Take turns driving. Safe travels. See the open road.