Love is Your Key

In any process of creating or in any relating to any and everyone,  your adding of love into the thing is what enriches it, beautifies  it, no matter what it is.

If there is something you could appreciate about something that you could add to your thought of it, add it now.  And this can add up.

If there’s something stuck in you that you can tell is stuck because it is always there in a way, then know that there is love you could give to it to help it be smoother.

The form that the love comes in is not what is important now . But just know that love would help and heal simply because it’s love and this knowing is good enough to get it started on its way toward whatever part of you it is that can use it.

Since love is in all, it literally is the big picture. So any limited snapshot in your thought of a disappointment or problem of any type, can be trued, healed, balanced, soothed by the willing addition of love into it.

If you think love might help a tough situation to be different, be willing to infuse love into some thought-of-thing. Just trust that love could help it. And hit send.

By simply sending a love into it, the love automatically becomes a perfect fit to it and you’ll feel a difference.

And you’ll sense an urge to do something, if there is something that you could give to it.

Note it. Note how something flashed to you. It is love signaling you its guidance.

See? Hear that? Easy to miss at our high-speed rail of a mind. But you noticed.

That’s love itself interacting with you on your level. Love is alive. Write down your tiny flashes of inklings and complete them.

Love is a continuous feedback loop of helpful quips if we slow down, if we stop investing in what we are now, if we really want to see the beauty of what love looks like on our level.

Love can take any hurt, not away, but love can beautify it in some way through your sending of love into it.

No need for me to tell you where to send your love- you know. But just know that you can and it helps.