Call to mind the accomplishments of humanity in the areas of love, beauty, human fulfillment,
Individual people, groups, thoughts, deeds, desires did these things.
So many things, so much advance, so much high expression of onward, upward, loveward.
We can easily imagine a great like Michaelangelo or Christina Rosetti , and on and on, standing before us.
When we acquaint ourselves with their footprints, we are in awe of their manifest abilities.
And they lived and breathed and did as just a human can. They are a being, like you and I.
The potential in one being- it is good to acknowledge its vastness.
Get the amazing possibility residing in the greats, and apply it to you, and every human being. Keep it in mind. Own what’s already yours.
Millions, billions alive now, lots and lots of so much greatness-at-the-ready.
Why wouldn’t we sign on to working toward the blooming of this greatness in each?
It’s in there, and when we operate within re-dedicated systems of info, encouragements, we can trend toward this greatness inherent in us.
And we can keep our hearts directed toward not only us, but the heart of what’s possible at every level of us, and to slow and show each other to do things in accord with what’s good for each, letting each learn the nature of good and how good fits every which way when we choose it, and listen for its genius as guidance and hence be developers of it. And the masters of it.
So, looking again at a superstar of anything, let’s remind each other in our time here that we stand for, work toward this same potential in everyone.
We don’t have to do everything all by ourselves. We can nurture the individual’s potential and keep them free to work toward their own ability to imagine, be fascinated, actualized, creative.
And let this vision of our vast resources of happiness and fulfillment for each be our commitment to motion forward.
The details and billions of moment-to-moment to-do’s will be worked out in real time, with a cast of billions, with love’s guidance, in billions of ways, by billions of genius-filled individuals, taking billions of steps together, and billions of retrofits speeded by the automatic guidance of each’s creative, love side.
With love’s guidance, let’s roll with what we are meant to be.
It can go really well.