How did all this beauty get set up? How can all this universe be so big?
It’s way bigger than it even needs to be for some reason that I don’t quite understand.
Every discovery about the macro and the micro side of everything continues to amaze us and thrill us.
There’s no way to even fit it in my brain how this grandeur can even be this amazing. What is all this really?
Are we making this up? It sure doesn’t seem fake.
Even the way we describe what we’re seeing and learning about even invisible ideas and phenomena is so fascinating. How can we even wrap our head around even a tiny part?
It’s so fascinating. Would it be better to say how much I know or how little?
I feel big when I say say how little I know, somehow.
I feel secure in reserving judgement due to the enormity of even trying to figure out this mysterious-beautiful-unfathomable situation we’re together in.
Who am I to even think I can describe whatever this all is?
Who invented all this awesomeness and on so many levels anyway?
It’s right here to be seen, so for some reason we’re supposed to be seeing it.
I’m super- okay with seeing it. But I’ve got a million questions, don’t you?
For example, what’s the most important part of all this?
What’s all this set up for?
Are there any instructions for making the most of whatever we’re supposed to make the most of?
Why do we feel giddy and good when we think about some of these big ideas?
What makes an idea big anyway? If an idea is big, it must have other ideas that fit along with it in a harmonious way, don’t you think?
I think harmony is somewhere in the mix. And why does harmony feel better than disharmony? There seems to a bias toward feelings, thoughts that feel good, more than toward feelings and thoughts that don’t feel as good. Good feels bigger than not.
How is the good and the not-so-good to be accounted for? Is there a good big idea plan? What are the rules of the game? How are they to be learned? Are there different rules for different situations?
Maybe, but I’m working on just sorting out two experiences, feeling good, and feeling strangely not good.
So many more things seem innately good, versus the things that don’t. So is this a hint that good is the plan? It just might be a major clue, based on all the good facts that we keep learning about.
Just like we said harmony is good, there is so much harmony all around, that we have to give credit to harmony to be a prevalent condition, even as far out as we can see and as tiny as we can’t really see but guess, based on a general fascination with the harmonious behaviors of so much out there that is so harmonious.
There are so many examples of how harmonious everything is, that the evidence unmistakably indicates harmony first and foremost.
Good, because I like harmony a lot more than disharmony for some reason, don’t you?
There’s so much to like around here! I like air. And air is here. Fabulous! I like water, and there’s water too. I love this place! I like people. And look at all the people to like I can like! There’s definitely a pattern of good that I’m seeing that’s unmistakable- seriously!
Whoever set this all up was not a bad guy, or gal, or whoever, whatever. Based on what I’ve noticed, even reading between the lines, I have little doubt that there’s lots, tons of good all around here. and I’m glad that’s the case.
Was I made as part of this lot of good? I seem to like good so I, and you and all of us and more could very well have been made good, created for good. And somehow, we figured things out that good is the plan we like best, early, early on.
Thank you, whoever you are, for all this good! Let me know how I can pay you back somehow! I love you, whoever you are! It feels like love may even be in the mix too. If you are love, you, whoever made us and all this, thank you very much for being love!
Let us know how we can repay you for all this love we’ve been gifted. And let us know how we can keep this love going, if there’s something we need to do on your behalf to maintain love here.
Please let us help.
Again, thank you, whoever you are, for whatever all this beauty and harmony is!
Thank you! Thank you!