Pick something and heal it

We all have quite a variety of things that we wish could have been different, that we want to be different right now.
Do you have a list? Would you make one? Or if this is not your style, can you bring one of these wished for things up onto your workbench of a mind?
A cool factoid about this is that it doesn’t matter which bruise you want to soothe. it doesn’t .
You can choose to soothe a really big hurt or a minor chap-off. You can elect to work on a little seemingly tiny bump or a generational catastrophe or a personal tragedy or anything on yor list of injuries to your heart or sensibilities or a grudge or hurt.
You could even put a bunch of these in a proverbial shopping cart, and get them ready to be put out to the side and recycled.
Start getting the idea that what you are doing with your bundled, wished-for-soothes is to going to actually change their nature in how you see them within you, that what’s coming is a kind of new viewer through which those old bummers play on your big-screen.
So if you are open to this, pick an issue or situation or event and plop it up there and for fun, just quickly, thoroughly look at at again and decide whether you still want it in its present version. If you want it to go away, just tell it to, in some form tell it to. Some have burning bowl ceremonies as a sendoff, some simply keep it on them as a souvenir of former ways of thinking, some just want it gone away, and some just want an answer or an improved take. There are super-numerous different forms of what we want to feel better about. So pick one or more of your things, plop it up there, and want something given you in regard to it.
You have the right to request this. In fact, you are designed to be able to request. But we thought we had to know-it-all first, and we don’t and we can’t. So just put it up there and pet it. And trust the system- the system’s original-and-still-in-effect design is to take what you give it and heal it it and give it back. Tough to believe it could actually work, but the system works like this and loves your request and automatically grants it. So take your item or cart and, with open, expectant hands, offer it up for healing and let the system do its work. You’ll be wowed.