Play a Heart

Love is the prime character of the universe and you.

Notice how everywhere on the planet, even beyond this Eden planet, when sets of conditions line up, life just comes forth as plants, bugs, dogs, hoots, aliens, etc..

We’ve seen green spring from every crack out there, a sort of inclination to grow.

It’s amazing and wonderful when we do consider it.

And we uprights, who are extra-lucky by design, get to wear a wrist band that entitles us to travel way up the ladder and all over.

And we can make clips that allow us to hook together all kinds of others and things that can make climbing interesting and fun for us and everybody.

Whoever designed this thing was out-of-control-beautiful…

And when we keep setting it up for every even tiny being  to do their tricks on the monkey bars, the ambience gets humming and we have a really good time all. It’s part of our ladder mojo somehow.

It’s what we can call love and it’s already in our veins, and pre-setup here, yonder, for you and them too.

It’s up to us and good to get this hint.

And even the hint itself is the love and is a part of a beautiful, advanced condition-set that leads to more gut-bustin-style minutes.

So when you’re around the card table, lay a hint out there for your buddies. Make it fun.