Take Your Angst Off Life Support

All the stories that are floating around in us, that we give credence to, that we use as evidence in our prosecution of ourselves and them, that we made up too and forget we did, all this static mental miscreance makes for a certain angst-zeitgeist-stupor-emf interference to our native nothing. 

Our nothing is our organic open readiness to receive impressions from the etheric beautiful chatter of Love, being sent out to us constantly in hopes we want some and allow it in. But instead we were told early on that we had to pay mega attention to the drama channels everywhere. So we thought we had to buy into it and own a lot in Angst Estates and build our compound and career there. So we did and do. But we’re trying to be good. We wanna be doing the right thing. This is perfect. But our premises are inverted and insane. We look out and see separation and fear and think and act in those terms. Even though we don’t consciously do this creepiness, we do it. If you can admit to this mental miscreation, see  it, the rock that it’s hiding under gets removed and it’s visible to you in its tawdriness. But what’s the alternative?, you ask. Very good question to ask! Be a questioner like that. Love (the universe) is set up as a completely different system, in which creation, confidence, happiness, activity, learning is reality. This is reality. Would you be open to possibly allowing reality to begin to prove itself to you? The evidence is everywhere if you see everywhere in its true context. So why not allow for a universe that feels better, works better, with tons of people to play with and one that has you feeling better about? If you do allow, the universe will shift itself toward giving you what you need to see and understand about everything. And the angst will reveal itself to be invalid, insane, unnecessary and you will no longer continue to feed it with all your time and resources. It will will object and scream for attention and it always will. But you will be moving on to better things and ways. And your angst will shrink fro starvation, but will always be available for you to give it more power- don’t.