Take Yourself In For A Reset

As we get rolling, and we do, there are so many simultaneous situations we have pop up in our mind it’s amazing.

The unresolved issues, the drama, the desires, the ancient history, the rent,  the tax, the raise, the repairs, the JV backgammon championship, the snub, the hope, the charger, the… all revisited, and we’re less than a mile down the road. But wait, there’s more this mile.

Multi-tasker-texter-mailer-hailer-chatter-matter-walker-talker-eater-tweeter. Yes, it’s good. Let’s dance.

As many thoughts as we have, at least our minds don’t need oil. Or do they?

Thoughts are great, and when they’re hummin’ , we are too. We’re gonna. Let’s fit it in.

Industrial ant beds, and apartments not apart, and custom conveyors and purveyors and beauty rest and the rest – it’s all so beautiful too.

Only if we keep up the good works.

Only if I give it up and get into what’s really worth getting after.

Only if we hug a bug and plant a seed of the hug.

Again, slow down and smooth out the differences and honor other ones. There’s time to make safe, be together, talk it out, and get our hearts swept up.

It’s not always what we want, but the love we listen to that’s there in their words.

Make everyone and everything count.

And words will come.