The Less We Know The More

This means that. And that means this. And I’ve seen that before, and heard that already and here’s the answer, and trust me, ’cause I already know. End of story.

We love how we know so much and have the pat answers for everything that comes up.

But wait. What’s really up?

Can we truly understand something if our knowledge about it is just hearsay, just a bunch of meaningless hand-me-down bromides designed to keep us in the loop- just like the hamsters run on.

We all have the subscription to what’s what.

We’re sure that that’s that. And he’s that. And she’s that.

And that’s about it.

So we go around and around, here, there, and knowing all about it. They said it, so I get it. My facts are so easy to believe and automatically true, and iceberg-proof. No need to even check it out. Please, no questions! Go with it.

And yet at some point when our guard’s down, when we’re not just believing automatically, when there’s a gap in our avalanche of thinking, we’ll notice that some assumption we’ve gone with just ain’t really like we thought.

Mark that crack in your armor. Flag that doubt.

Question that sacred cow. Keep your guard down.

You glimpsed a glitch in what you thought you believed in, and you really sensed and got that a premise you had relied on was only a pickup line, just for effect, not really the plain, sturdy good idea you first assumed it would work out to be.

I must have been dreaming when I accepted that whole idea. Yep.

We take the fake bait, sure it’s the genuine of what everything seems, over and over, more and more. And so easy to go with, just plopped into our lap- this is this, and that’s that.

It was supposed to make so much sense, but now…

What if it’s not true?

What if it’s not even real? What else is bogus?

What if everything you thought was just made up?

Even the so-called cosmos?

What if everything you thought meant something, but what it really meant was beautifully something else and was for some other purpose than what you thought?

Food for thought. Think about that.

Lots to chew on, if you want something good to swallow.

Allow the idea to be in your mind, that you may not know as much as you thought.

Let yourself not know, even for just a tiny while.

Pretty soon, you’ll detect a growing Spaciousness in you that is so refreshing!

And now that you’ve got a little room in there, Love’s Universe will give you glimpses, replacing the old dots, and helping you fill in the real dots.

And these new glimpses will become your sublime experiences, and somehow, and certainly, nourishing others with beauty and love as well.