We’re All In The Same Boat

The more tech-nected we are, the more we group-think.

How it is. And we vie for your attention to our page, so we can tell you our mini-version. How it is.

Who, what, when, where, why, are always being other-presented in innumerable forms for our consideration.

And we accept, discard, edit, add to our sense of what’s up and was up.

All the time, high-speed copy, file, generate, inform, adjust, repeat the process.

And we are legion playwrights and producers, directors, actors, audience,  as we wake, and on through bedtime, and in dreamland.

This panorama of creation can truly produce a fantastic mosaic of inter-locking wannas, doing what we want to do to be.

Let’s make it fit together, you and I.

People, get that you’re people.

Power-beings, each and all. And gentle, protectors, intuitive, masterful desirers of good.

These ingredients you were given, and are what you are, and are to use to be with.

Included in the environment, like water and air, is love and its creation and you.

And since we must’ve wandered off the trail, we’re looking and listening to each other to get a take on what happened and what to do. The scouting reports vary a lot.

Your tattoo shows a flowing spring right on the trail, and there’s lots of cups stacked and ready as usual.

Check on everyone and link arms and spread wide and far and share the canteen and trudge on.

Pretty soon the smell of a waterfall and flowers that surround the pool will be noticed by one of us, then more of us. It’s what our noses are for.

Let’s all veer toward  that smell, and we  can, since we’re linked and intend to make it a beautiful homecoming, with waves and waves of dancing linkers, coming in for a landing.

Ain’t it great?