What if You Send Love There

As interesting as all of the teams and religions and groups and cultures and blood-types and personalities and parties are,

-and as interesting as all of the dramas and celebrities and ideologies and sexualities and colors and fits and cars and bodies are,

-and as interesting as the sounds, the feels, the story lines and the bottom lines are,

-what’s the real head-turner-page-turner-mind-blower take-away?

The real and beautiful conception to realize is that beneath, above, around, and through all of this, there is a creative unity of  creative thought and creative play-doh-omni-substance, operated by creativity itself, by means of its very own creatives, us.

The creativity even responds to itself being operative, being thought, channeled  by its own created, creative creatures, us.

Its tendency is good. It is pre-loaded toward life, its own version of creation and beauty.

This big thing wants you to live- this is because it is love.

It is love, the all-in-one-everything, geared toward good and always wanting good for you and all. And in ways unimaginably perfect and steady and ready for your realization, operation of it itself.

It’s invisible, ideal and the only thing real.

It is and runs on love.

To start to prove this, we only need to send out from us, into any thought-of situation or picture, a thought of love of some sort, sincere, hope-filled toward love.

The action of your sending love, good will, hope, outward-into is how it works, because it works through you.

You operate it through your growing understanding of how everything works,love.

So start proving the system. Start sending a thought into an area or relationship.

No need to expect specific outcomes- let the love do what it is: love.

Keep sending the invisible system fuel for its engine. More and more. You’re part of it, the sender.

And sit back and feel the proof.