The world is pretty interesting to us and should be.
The games we play in it are what we think is real and important, and are the way it seems that our world turns.
Cool. But only as far as games go. We can go beyond it, if we see beyond it.
In a sense, we want us to do well, especially me and mine.
And we want to be the good-guys, to put down the bad-guys so we can be the good-guys more, and even be the good bad-guys, if that’s our thing. It’s always some form of wanting something like that.
We hear the planet is crowded and so it is. We hear how different we are and so we are.
I know there’s a problem- It pops up constantly and covers my screen.
We don’t want it to be like it often seems like it is. We always want it to be good.
So is there a way to have it be way better?
First, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. We’re on one planet, breathing one air, and we are meant to be of one heart.
We can all be on the same page, and it’s not even crowded! There’s a view we can come from that sees beyond any picture that we’re used to seeing. The view is big and it takes in an entire universe of activity, lumping everything into one category- perfect.
What if perfect describes reality? What if what is not perfect, is not real? What if right in the middle of heck, is also everything that is not heck? What if in the middle of danger, you’re actually safe? Let it in. What if you quit valuing the horrific as a game, and questioned its validity?
Ask yourself: Is it more likely that the universe is made of heck or heaven? Which is more likely? Is it possible you took the wrong turn? Or got on the wrong train? or could you see this by way of whatever great way of seeing you want to have?
What if you closed your eyes and asked for a high sense of what is really around you, and when you opened them, heaven appeared, right now? Use any reference point that you like, to re-deem what’s right there with you. Yes, be a redeemer.
We can practice seeing the real, the perfect, the provident, the love, since it actually is there.
And it will show up plain, as it actually is.
And when it does, it speaks to you and makes you want to play.