We can’t lose our valuables.
Even though we get bucked off in our attempts to ride the universe backwards, it just wastes time, and not anything lost but that.
Knowing what doesn’t work, works out better though.
A good way to get a clue on a better way is to want one.
Wanting a better way to live and experience things is the opening that the universe always responds to.
We and It are already set up to create a new pathway that has huge upside energy for beauty and happiness to be seen and done.
We’re the way. Wanting is the opening to it.
Keep the way (you’re the way) open!
And in wanting a new way, we can actually expect it to show up in our cart. Expectation of an unknown something better clears a spot for the new in our crowded theater.
Keep an eye out for it because your simple openhearted request is being fulfilled to you somehow.
Remember that we’re choosing which bottom line to go with; Peace or conflict, the one or the other, but not a particular detail.
How can we know which way to go- the ordinary, or the extraordinary?
Give yourself a treat and order the latter. Let it come and it will surprise with its joy and happy feel.
Your brain could not have imagined anything better than what it just arrived as.
And it’s only beginning- a stream of betters, more and more that you are amazed by in their feel and good vibes.
And feel free to go with them.
Each of the two different ways rings our bell differently.
We often say, “I don’t care if this ends up badly like before! I just wanna rule everyone and be adored!” And __Splat!_ we bonk again. The better way doesn’t end up like that.
And the way is ever open for you to note your ongoing mess, be okay with it, smile at it, bless it as it moves along, and now is the time available for you to request a clue to how you might tour the universe better. Request a hint!
You can expect your requested clue to arrive at you!
“What if there’s a better way?” is the way.
Your wanting the way opens your heart and your expectancy of it allows space for these new ways to come to you- be spacious! You may notice a clean, calm feeling or inkling in a small corner of your mind: That’s it! Be open to it. Don’t reject it, but just allow that it’s there and wanting you to have itself. It’s there for your better use.
So believe in the process of being open, requesting an unknown wonderful alternative, resting in expectancy, and noticing it when it comes.
Ask and things are given!. Nice! Better! I want more of this!
The important takeaway is to begin to know that the way is open and reliable when we want it.
Choose to go with that plan and your way to fun is begun.