What is the richest and most pleasurable experience?
It’s joy, how you feel at your conscious awareness of love as reality. Here and now and always.
Joy comes by our actual realization of the perfect harmony and goodness inherent in everything, forever.
‘That’s it?’ Yes. ‘My head hurts.’ Yes.
There are ways to think toward joy, but first, why spend time on something so abstract? Isn’t it better to make sure my car is washed and detailed?
You thought you had to get more likes. That’s it, for sure. Get everybody on the you-train.
So much work herding everyone aboard though. Maybe that new look will do it… or that chariot… or more slaves.
We just want up on dry land. And we thought if we bought enough spins…there’s just something missing from this fun. Something’s missing. Could there be? How can I know what it is if it’s missing, dude! What if what’s missing is what you’ve wanted but haven’t known what? Would you want it?
Then say it. Say you want what it is. Whatever it is.
In the big bigness, you were made. And you are made to pedal it, the bigness.
Customizing the pedals and how to plant the next thrill is the game. And go ahead and plant the first one first.
So believe in the thrill. It’s the ride available at the fork you keep avoiding.
Your perfect ticket’s ready to come to you. You’ll see it. Be part of love’s world tour.
It’s on you to appreciate everything being part of the setup, even pre-thrill.
Yes, reality is to be appreciated, and when you think of this beautiful state of permanent wholeness and good everywhere and in everything, this is the best thinking you can do.
The idea is to allow that beauty, love, perfect exists, and to allow the ideal of everything to pop into your imagination. When you do this, you are at the level of highest awareness, the level that love, which you are, understands itself. You can do this with practice. Be an imaginer of love’s reality, even play with what it might look like at different levels. Feel free to obsess. The thrill is on its way, because that is its way-free delivery on request.
Just start thinking of the Big, what it might be. Your thoughts are your chance. Could love be real? Could there be an entire universe that is and has always been, and is the very good itself, and is for your use and operation? Could it? Keep asking if it could. You’ll see a glimpse of familiarities in a higher context. Start slow, with a basic thought in which you relate yourself somehow to love as the actual universe, as creation, as everywhere, as life- what might be you as part?. Is there a fact relating to you and reality that you can unequivocally state as true? Let’s call it a truth. Is there a truth you know that relates you to the big everything?? There is and it may not be able to be expressed perfectly. No problem. Take your time, and just ask yourself how you got here, for example.
Just play with plausible ideas that connect you with this growing probability that includes you, me, we, he, she, it and backwards, forwards, in and out. How is everything connected without a hitch?
Just pose the question and don’t try to figure or know an answer. Let the universe give you a hint, which it will, and when it comes, the impression it leaves is joyous.
Notice and wonder whether it may be the long lost it.
Don’t just start polishing your navel rings again- keep a question baking all the time. Pretty soon your heart opens more.